Shelved celebrates being granted Made in Britain membership

Shelved celebrates being granted Made in Britain membership

Shelved has been accredited as a member of Made in Britain. Shelved’s adoption of the official, protected mark (above) will help buyers recognise its products as good quality, great value and Briti...
Storage Styling 101 - How To Get The Japandi Look In Your Home
Styling advice

Storage Styling 101 - How To Get The Japandi Look In Your Home

Your home, your style - we're here to help you find the look you love with our very own series of home storage and furniture styling guides. Our first instalment is dedicated to the latest 'Japandi...
Transform Your Home With Broken-Plan Living
Broken-Plan Living

Transform Your Home With Broken-Plan Living

We've all seen some pretty crazy changes over the last few years. The past couple of years in particular have driven us all as a global population to make some serious adaptations to the way we liv...
Apartment Living & Shelved
Styling advice

Apartment Living & Shelved

Modular Furniture Is Perfect For Flat Or Apartment Living - Here’s Why... Living in a flat/apartment is great, isn't it? That is, until you start thinking about furniture... We know your pain - Fin...
An Introduction to Modular Furniture
Modular Storage

An Introduction to Modular Furniture

Your Storage, Your Way... "This isn't quite right…" "How will this fit if we move it to another room or area?" "Why did we even buy this?!" If you've ever enjoyed the invigorating experience of bat...